Some people possess the ability to focus even when there are lots of distractions around. But most people will find it difficult to focus even with the littlest of distractions. Many develop ways to get rid of distractions, like going to a quiet room or treating themselves to a seated massage Sydney. But some people just lack the ability to focus even when there are no physical distractions because they just can’t seem to get their thoughts together.

Here are 5 simple ways, or whatever you want to call it, to help you focus in studying, whether its school work or a business proposal.

5 Steps:

1.    Get rid of present distractions – put away your cell phone and put it far away from you. Even if you set it to silent mode, it is already part of human nature to look at the cell phone if there any text messages. Turn off the T.V., the radio, and especially the computer. While you’re online and you logged in to your social networking sites, it is likely that you will reply to their posts or chat with them. If there are noisy people around, go find a spot where there’s less noise and less people moving around.

2.    Consider Your Physical Needs – eat your snacks before you start studying or prepare what you are going to eat beside your books and files so you can just gram them while reading. And go to the bathroom before you start so you won’t have to keep stand up and do it in case you build a momentum in studying.

3.    Choose an appropriate time – if you like to wake up early in the morning, do it in the morning. If you’re nocturnal, do it during night time. Choosing a time where you’re not used to will only result to your brain getting fatigued.

4.    Answer any questions that you might be thinking of –if you’re thinking about any questions, see to it that you get an answer for it before you start. If you think about it in the middle of your study time, it will eat up a lot of precious minutes.

5.    Get physical – some people just can’t focus if they stay put for a long time. If you’re like this, there are a number of ways you can resolve this. You can get something you can play with your hands, like a pen, so you can channel your uneasiness while you are reading or while you are thinking of a solution of a problem at hand.

After long hours of study time, consider getting yourself a seated massage Sydney. It helps you relieve body aches, stress, and anxieties that you get from long hours of sitting down and studying.